What Will Matter?

The Best Inspirational Video Ever

I have a few things I've watched or read over the years that hold a special place in my heart memory.  

This one, though, is the first one I turn to when I want a little reminder of what truly matters.  It's an inspirational video by Michael Josephson of the Josephson Institute.  In a lot of ways, the message is really the inspiration for this blog.

I first saw it ten years ago now.  I think it had been out for about a year at that point, so it isn't quite vintage--but it is timeless.  Each time I watch it, I find something new to inspire me.  I hope it inspires you in the same way.

An inspirational slideshow displaying text from the poem "What Will Matter" by Michael Josephson. Visit CharacterCounts.org/michael for more commentaries like this.

So what will matter?
How will the value of your days be measured?
— Michael Josephson of charactercounts.org

What answers have you found to that question?  I'd love to hear your thoughts.